Friday, August 19, 2016

Workshop Clusters

A. Dragon's Den: Focus/Flare

  • Consider making for a school
  • Narrow down target audience (general public is too vague, but environmentalists and animal rights activists is good) 
  • Look into Bright Eyes, movie
  • Look at Watership Down, you're retelling the Watership Down story but making it your own. How is it different?
B. Visual Production: Plan
  • Critical Path Analysis (CPA) -jug timeline
  • Sort out critical moment and complete first (key moment > essence of the project)
  • Find insight, find focus point, pitch actual story and not just general outcome, ideas and themes
  • Insight: A problem within your problem. Why does the audience care about deforestation? How do they become interested and involved in the issue? -could look into farming cattle and the effects of deforestation, Do I need to show the cattle? Can I only show part of the whole narrative (focus on important area of story and communicate cattle in booklet)
C: Panic Room: Focus
  • Take tutors advice on but you make your own decisions
  • Look at Watership Down, How are you making it different/ your own?  

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