Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Coloured Plant and Forest Research

Caroline suggested I make my forest more colourful to make the juxtaposition between the dead forest at the end more striking. I'm not certain I will go with this look at the end but I'll research it and see what happens. Some mushrooms are already colourful but I'm not sure about the rest of the forest being that way. 

I'm not sure about having the forest during autumn. I do really like the really green and brown forests but this could look really beautiful. I would be worried that the orange would be too similar to the light browns at the end of the narrative though...

Colourful Forest Plants:


  • I could alter the design of existing flowers to suit my forest design (shape, colour, how they grow etc) because this is a "fantasy" forest
  • I could morph multiple flower elements together to create my own
  • I could design my own flowers from scratch 

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