Monday, August 15, 2016

Booklet Planning

Planning Booklet: What's in it?

  • Bio of Froder species (Drawn Froder, looks, general mannerisms, general personality, likes, dislikes, what they eat, when they sleep, how they live, their environment
  • "History" of Froders
  • How deforestation has effected its environment (endangered -links to orang-utans, hurts, killed etc) 
  • How we can help 
Content: (Needs to be written formally)
  • Looks: Similar to frogs, reptilian, long eyes, big eyes that vary in colour, tubby, long skinny arms
  • Mannerisms: Their name is a combination of frog and order. They hord and keep whatever interests them on their walks, 
  • Personality: Ranges from Froder to Froder but they keep to themselves/their species -prefer to be alone (which makes mating harder), quiet although they are constantly mumbling their thoughts to themselves
  • Likes: Walks, collecting items of interest, relaxing in the forest, eating, slugs or snails (make a good companion as they can't talk) 
  • Dislikes: Losing or having their belongings taken from them, too much interaction, too many froders around them at once, change of routine 
  • What they eat : Mosquitoes, moths, wet leaves 
  • Sleeping Pattern: Diurnal (active during the day and sleep at night)
  • How they live: Once Froders have chosen a place to live they will live their for life (unless leaving their parents homes or moving in with a partner). They often go for long walks in their surrounding environments and learn their areas very well. Some Froders have companions to join them on their walks (they are often slugs or snails). The only time Froders see their partners is when they are at home together. The Froder community is only seen together once a year (no human can understand when their gatherings are as they are very randomly put together in a year). These gatherings aren't enjoyed by Froders as they don't like to be around many beings at once. We can only understand they have these community gatherings to catch up with family members.
  • Environment: They live in forest environments underground (usually under trees with tree roots being the entrances)
  • History: Have always lives in forests and always lived this structured lifestyle. They are no threat (unless you're a moth or mosquito). Thrived a long time ago but are becoming more endangered as their environments are being destroyed and they have no amazing desire to mate. 
  • Effects of Deforestation: Destroying their environment and homes, hurting and killing them 
  • How we can help: List of how we can help deforestation. 
Style: Inside the Booklet
  • Brown paper, tea stained paper
  • Rough textured paper
  • Rough, scrawled writing OR old fashioned, beautiful writing
  • Brown or black ink drawings and writing (NO colour) 

Format: Inside
  • Fold out format
  • Hand bound format (my mother knows how to make books by hand so she can teach me how to make my own) 

Booklet Making Timeline: Rough Timeline
  • Write everything that needs to be in book
  • Draw what needs to be in book
  • Plan how to set out book
  • Figure out whether I'm printing out book or making it by hand (I am leaning toward making it by hand including drawings)
  • Learn how to make book by hand (mum will teach me) 

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