Monday, August 8, 2016

Finalising the Story

I want to focus on deforestation and the palm oil industry. Instead of having the palm oil as the focus I am thinking of either changing it to mushrooms t(hat people desire and my creature lives off) or some kind of other fruit, fairy dust etc -to keep to my fantasy theme. 

My aim is for the audience to think about the effects of deforestation on animals. Deforestation is really bad for pollution as well but I feel like focusing on this one area would be more benefitual for my project. 

Rough Planning: 
  • Fruit, dust etc that is extremely rare and sought after for human consumption 
  • My creature's kind need it for survival(?) to eat
  • Humans start the deforestation process
  • Effects of the deforestation: Killing/hurting animals -endangered and extinction, destroying the environment, destroying animals habitat, contributes to carbon pollution which in turn contributes to global warming
I want to have three finals. I'm not certain if they'll be stills or animated still yets. I am considering a triptych type presentation. Each still will tell a story and together they will tell the story of deforestation effects on animals. 
Triptych example

First still; Before the deforestation: To show the audience what the environment looks like before the humans got a hold of it. Shows how the nature and animals thrive and are healthy.
Second still; During: Here we would see the human interference. Some trees are gone. The process during: hurting/killing animals. The animals are scared and don't know what is going on. 
Third still; After: We see the final result of human interference with nature. Lack of greenery and forest. No animals. Organised destruction. 

  • Rich forest environment
  • Green
  • Busy, crowded
  • Healthy
  • Trucks
  • People
  • Less greenery
  • Some treestumps
  • Scared/confused animals
  • Hurt animals
  • Diggers
  • Animals fleeing

  • Dead forest
  • Trees fallen
  • Treestumps
  • Low ground
  • Organised destruction
  • Diggers
  • No humans (they got what they wanted)
  • Possibly animals dead, crying over dead, helping the hurt
  • Animals upset/looking lost over human interference
Sumatran Elephants are endangered and are in danger from palm oil

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