Monday, August 8, 2016

Mini Film Study

The Leveler machine that destroys all trees marked with a red X

Ferngully: The Last Rainforest 
Crysta is training to be the next tree healer in her society of fairies when all are rudely awaken to the desruction of their home, the rainforest. Crysta sets out on a quest to save her home with Zach, a human shrunk by Crysta accidentally; Batty, an eccentric bat blown in from a labratory; and Pips, the jealous boyfriend. The trio of Batty, Zach and Crysta fight the evil Hexus (an evil spirit locked in an ancient tree for trying to destroy Fern Gully long ago) to save Fern Gully and teach the humans that we need the rainforest to servive.
Hexxus the oil demon (metaphorical pollution creature)

This movie is the perfect in terms of communicating the themes and ideas I want to teach my audience. It focuses on teaching the audience about the effects of deforestation in a fantasy and family film genre. Ferngully is very successful in getting these ideas across. I think it is important that one of the main characters, Zac learns what he is doing is wrong and makes a change accordingly. I love how they made a physical character for the problem "pollution". I would be interested in this for my project but I am worried I would be following this movie too closely. 

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