Friday, August 12, 2016

Meeting with Caroline Campbell

  • 3 final stills isn't enough -at least 5. 7 is good. It helps with the narrative flow. No awkward jumping from scene to scene.
  • A3 size minimum
  • Think about how you will present your finals. Fold out booklet, mounted images, fold out paper set in a circle, continuous narrative etc
  • Be creative with your environment. Have it NZ based but add colour, shapes etc to show how rich and amazing nature is. This will help communicate the narrative with juxtaposition in the final still. Look at the hot room at the Wellington Botanical gardens.
  • Plan each still with this in mind: message, feeling/emotion its communicating, visual language (colour, shape, form) composition, how it flows to the next still 
Scribbles and Planning:

Shaun Tan: 

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