Friday, August 12, 2016

Rough Timeline

This is a rough timeline before I talked to Gray. This timeline will be altered when I finalize what path I decide to take. I am very interested in having a little booklet with my final stills too so I'll definitely throw that process in there somewhere.
Week 5:
  • ✓ Finalize story
  • ✓ Thumb nailing (4 out of 6 sheets done) 
  • ✓ Draw Scenes out to size
  • ✓ Design vehicle
  •  Start researching plants and colour scheme 
  •  Create rough booklet (for interim) 
Week 6: 
  • Finalize scene layout
  • ✓ Finalize colours
  • List assets to model
  • ✓ Draw up scene layout on scroll
Holiday Week 1:
  • Model vehicle
  • ✓ Make rough booklet (planning) 
Holiday Week 2:
  • Model forest assets -start
  • Camera run through on Maya
Week 7:
  • Model assets
  • Texture assets
  • Research lighting and start lighting tests
  • Make final booklet 
Week 8:
  • Finish models
  • Finish textures
  • Start scene layout
  • Start lighting
Week 9:
  • Finalizing lighting
  • Render
Week 10: 
  • Compositing 
  • Finalise final print
  • Plan write up
Week 11:
  • Print final
  • Mount final
  • Cont. write up
Week 12:
  • Finalize write up 
  • Finalise all hand ins
  • Hand in

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