Saturday, August 27, 2016

10/5 Report: Tanya Marriot

Being told to figure out my final composition through a camera fly through in Maya was very helpful. It will cut the planning composition time shorter and also give me a real look at what it will look like (not just what I imagine it will look like in my head). When I have finalized my composition I will "photo bash" it in Photoshop so there is a good understanding of colour and horizon also. I do need to really think about what will be in my booklet (what will it add to my project, communicate etc). I have done a bit of planning around that already but I will do some more planning with those points in mind. 

These holidays I will continue modeling assets, creating more mock up booklets and start researching how to "sew" my composition together. By the end of the first week I will have my logging vehicle finished (I know you suggested grabbing one online but I would love to take credit for all the models in my scene.) Once I have finalized my composition I will ask my photographer friend if they would photograph scenes etc so I can image composite in my final. 

I saw a good range of works at the supercrit. I was underwhelmed with the amount of work some people produced but also was impressed at people who prepared well. A lot of people's subjects didn't interest me but that can definitely be changed when they continue to develop their work. 

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