Friday, September 23, 2016

Wk 8: Writing Workshops

Writing Workshop with Caroline Campbell
  • Commentary of experience during project
  • Recap of proposal -what makes you want to do this project -your context (inspiration, why are you doing this project, your perspective)
  • Quotes that inspired you -credit the text
  • Not too many quotations (continuous narratives are used to...)
  • Central proposition -main idea (provoke, challenge, stimulate, integrate, evoke)
Design Strategy:
  • Format eg experience
  • Model +imagery, text, colour, digital
Design Approach: 
  • How project developed though design making
  • Iteration, how it changed with feedback (shift focus, change you ideas etc)
  • Honest, be frank
  • How you overcome them
  • Compare to aims, where you were successful -why
  • A critique of your work -what could be better, what worked
  • Wraps up intro
  • Where could your project go after finished etc 
Physical Hand In:
  • Doesn't have to be spiral bound
  • Could link to your design asthetic
  • Well designed like the rest of your project
  • 3X printed copies (2X for internal assessors, 1X for industry)
  • Suggest using sub headings
  • Citations -2 max for images too
  • Images must be referenced
  • Remember names and ID number 
Exposure Text
  • 100 words
  • Past tense (can be first person or third)
  • Include target audience

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