Monday, September 12, 2016

Pipeline Research

I was getting a bit confused of how my pipeline would work. I knew what the order was but I wasn't exactly sure how to achieve it.

Pipeline: Depends on the model etc

  • Model asset in Maya (correct topology)
  • UV map in Maya
  • Texture in Photoshop
  • Import OBJ (apparently it brings the UV texture with it) to Zbrush
  • Assign texture to model
  • If needed polypaint extra details (I probably won't though)
  • Add sculptural details
  • Bring back displacement maps etc to Maya

"Tutorial": Saved page for reference later on  

Everything will be modeled in Maya first. The more complicated models I won't UV map but instead bring to Zbrush straight away and polypaint, add details etc then import back to Maya. I really need to learn how to UV map properly. I am struggling quite a bit with it as I have never done it in Maya before. I will get my partner to teach me how to do it properly in the weekend. 

Goals for this week: 

  • Model EVERYTHING in Maya (no social life this week)
  • Learn how to UV map properly 
  • UV map some assets if possible 

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