Thursday, September 22, 2016

Exposure Text: Draft

Gin Sparrow is passionate about communication and informing through narratives created in 3D programs. Gin’s core skills are in 3D modeling and sculpting,texturing and image compositing. Along with these skills she is an effective team member and is able to articulate ideas clearly.

80,000 Acres
80,000 acres of forest are cleared from the earth everyday. Because of this 28,000 species are expected to become extinct by the next 25 years. 80,000 Acres aims to create empathy for the wildlife whose lives are drastically affected by deforestation through a continuous narrative of a fictitious creature and his story of his lost habitat. Along with the narrative is a handmade book that has a heavily influenced forest aesthetic. The book’s objective is to inform the audience how to avoid contributing to this devastating problem. Deforestation is the leading cause of endangerment of orangutans and majorly affects biodiversity. 80,000 Acres creates compassion for these animals and inspires people to change their damaging habits.  

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