Friday, September 2, 2016

Final Booklet Style Choice

Booklet from Cover to Cover: Creative Techniques for Making Beautiful Books, Journals & Albums. I'll be making a mock up booklet of this and figure out how to lay out the text once its made. On the back reveals a hidden page where you can write, draw etc whatever you want. For this I want to draw up a little map of Slidfrosk's habitat.
The Traveler, piano hinge book. secret accordion spine:
This is a post from Pinterest. This is a better photograph of the book I want to produce, although mine would have a wooden cover with moss etc and the inside would have brown paper (could be slightly stained- not meant to be a neat booklet), the pin at the back which reveals the hidden back has to be smooth enough to take out so I can't have any old stick, I'd need to have a smooth stick that still fits with the rest of the booklet. 

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