Thursday, August 11, 2016

Re-Filling out my Illustration Production Workshop Sheet

Issue, topic or subject: Deforestation/ palm oil industry and its effects on wildlife (destroying habitats, killing/harming animals) 
Audience: General public -young adults +, environmentalists, animal right activists 
Plot synopsis: Slidfrosk lives in the forest. He is surrounded by trees and mushrooms. He lives his life happily with a slug as his best friend. He is very deaf despite his large ears. One day he is confronted by a massive logging vehicle with teeth. He's runs away from this monster while it destroys his forest home. He is knocked out by a fallen branch and wakens surrounded by tree stumps and a dead forest. 
Genre/tone: Informative, documentary (?), serious, fantasy,
Story world: Forest environment 
Protagonists, antagonists and secondary characters: Slidfrosk (frog-like creature, main character), human(s) (secondary, slug (secondary)
Events and activities:

Medium: The final stills
Format: Three final stills in triptych format
Pagination: Chronological order from the narrative
Style: Photographic realism, colour

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