Friday, October 21, 2016

Handmade Book Cont.

I covered the cover with torn pieces of the inside of wood. I played around with different found materials (bark, wood, moss, dried ferns and leaves) but found this simple use of this one material worked the best.

In front of the book cover is the accordian fold. I drew a map on there so when the book is pulled apart it reveals this map. The different names on the map translate to different meanings relating to the themes. For example there is a logged area on the map called "Mort Forest" -Mort translating to "dead". 
Hand sewed into place with little drawings all the way through it.

Final Narrative

Narrative Comp cont.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Narrative Compositing Cont.

I'm finally more happy with my composition and photobashing. Still need to edit these together to flow nicely 
  • Colour correction
  • Sew together (flow together)
  • Make depth of field matching all the way through
  • Match skies (fade from blue skyies to grey skies at the end)
  • Composite models into scene

Making the composition flow more nicely...

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Book Making

Making the cover of my deforestation. I couldn't make the full book as I hadn't made the inside pages yet. I'll need to make the pages, sew them in and decorate the cover and then it's done!

All of the card and paper used to make my book are recycled materials to keep true to my deforestation theme. :)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Laying out Possible Compositions together

Book - Final Text

Species: Froder (fror-door)
Class: Reptilian
Lifespan: 20 years
Height: 10 cm
Weight: 500g
Status: Critically endangered

Appearance: Similar to frogs, froders have large eyes and mouths. Although expected to be amphibian, they are not as they are scaled and cold-blooded; froder’s are reptilian. The name Froder is a mix of “frog” and “horder” because of their uncanny resemblance to frogs and their hording behaviour. Froder’s have large bellies to store their huge meals and have long but strong arms to help them balance while walking. Their eye colour ranges from green to grey to orange.

About:  Froders hugely enjoy walking, collecting items of interest and relaxing. Slugs are their favourite choice of companion and are often seen sitting on the froders shoulder or froder’s backpack during their walks together. Froders lives in forest environments and sleep underground under tree roots. As they collect many items on their walks their habitats are messy and very unorganised.

Dangers to Froders: Froders unfortunately face a lot of predatory dangers such as owls, snakes and tarantulas but their biggest threat at this point in time is deforestation. Deforestation harms froders and other wildlife in many ways such as destroying their habitat, seriously injuring or killing them. Froders likelihood of encountering dangerous situations when they attempt to migrate between habitat fragments has increased rapidly in the last 30 years. These hazards include increased human-wildlife conflicts and being hit by vehicles. With increased habitat edge, froders and other wildlife may experience an increased vulnerability to predation, poaching, wind and sunlight.

There are many reasons for deforestation such as harvesting timber for commercial items and clearing land for housing and urbanization, but two of the most devastating contributions to deforestation are animal agriculture and palm oil farming. Forests are cleared to provide room for crops and grazing livestock. Animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to deforestation and is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction.

Palm oil farming is another atrocious contributor to deforestation with 26 million rainforest acres (10.8m hectares) being cleared for palm oil production. The palm oil industry is a huge contributor to orangutan’s endangerment, with zoologists estimating the species will be extinct in the next 6 years.

Froders and the forest’s wildlife need your help! Here is a guide to start your froder-friendly lifestyle:
  • Reduce your use of paper 
  • Recycle
  • Buy recycled products
  • Stop contributing to animal agriculture and go vegan
  • Avoid products with palm oil

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Photoshoot - By myself

I decided to do my own photoshoot because I was missing some key photos that needed to be in my final composition. I will use a combination of my photographer's photos and my own. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

House Sign Texturing

I have saved a copy with no writing also just in case I change my mind about it.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Rough Image Compositing Cont.

Still figuring out my composition (the end part). Struggling to find images to photobash together. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rough Image compositing with Photographs

Roughly choosing photograph order referencing my final composition sketch. Some photos might need to be retaken, they need to be edited together properly so it flows seamlessly. I drew roughly where some of my assets would be composited. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Taking Photographs with Photographer

I am not very good at photography/ don't have a good enough camera for it so I decided to hire one of my friends to take photos for my project. I will be "matte painting" with these photos (chopping them up, putting them together etc to create a new scene). These photos won't be the same as before, if I left them the same I'd feel it wasn't my work. From there I will composite my models into the scene and I'm finished!

(These photos aren't by my photographer friend, but me documenting the event).